
Friday 24 May 2019

Movements of the Greeks and Turkish navies according to the Dutch newspaper Goessche Courant dated 19 April 1822

Ancona, 22 March. There isn’t any doubt more concerning the Turkish defeat. Two ships arriving from St. Maur in 9 and the other from Corfu in 11 days stated that the Grecians captured 25 ships, including 17 warships (of which four were frigates), the rest transports. Just 6 ships of the complete Turkish able were able to flee towards the Gulf of Lepante. The Captain Bey Ismael Gibraltar and the Algerian admiral were taken prisoner.

Vienna, 2 April. From Constantinople arrived tidings dated until 11 March. There are some doubts if the second Turkish fleet, which according to other tidings, indeed departed towards Candia. In fact it seems that she was destined towards the Black Sea to keep an eye on the Russian fleet, fitted out at Nicolajew.

Frankfurt, 11 April. Tidings from Constantinople dated 11 March reported preparations for war and some seized vessels, including some Austrian, were despite complaints of the Austrian and British ambassadors not given back.