
Friday 27 September 2019

Movements of the Greeks and Turkish navies according to the Dutch newspaper Goessche Courant dated 26 October1821

In the semi official magazine De Beobachter was a news item dealing with the Turkish admiral Cara Ali published. The Turkish fleet left 1 July the Dardanelles, consisting of 19 warships and a transport with on board around 10.000 soldiers. While sailing in the Archipelago a strong north wind caused the grounding of some transports off Samoa. The troops went on land while the Turkish fleet continued her voyage, enabling the Greeks to burn the stranded transports. This was in fact what happened and what several magazines described of a defeat and partly burning of the Turkish fleet by Grecian privateers. Tidings from Zante, the newest dated from before 17 September, confirmed that the Turkish fleet anchored off Morea near Koron while setting 7.000 men with stores on land. The 13th sailed the fleet towards Zante, leaving the 15th fro the Gulf of Lepante towards Patras, probably to set more troops on land and with stores for the forts. Armed Grecian vessels visited Hydra, Ipsara and Spezia to take fresh victual s on board, so the Turkish fleet wasn’t troubled by them.