
Friday 27 September 2019

The Turkish navy in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 18 March 1822

Vienna, 5 March. The newspaper Oestenreichischen Beobachter published an extract of a tiding dated Constantinople 11 February. According to this extract were immediately after receiving tidings from Janina troops sent to Morea and 5 February received the Captain Pasha the official tiding that the expedition left the Dardanelles. The fleet consisted of 60 ships commanded by Pepeghli-Halil-bey transporting 12.000 men landing troops commanded by Mehmed-pacha. The 9th were in the arsenal in the presence of the sultan and his court an 84-gun ship of the line, 2 sloops and 2 extra ordinary large gunboats launched. It was almost certain that at the end of March a fleet of 40 ships commanded by the Captain Pasha would depart for the Archipelago and that he would this newly built ship of the line called Mausur-Liva (Vaandel der overwinning=banner of victory) as his flagship.