
Friday 2 November 2012

French fleet modernized according to the Dutch newspaper De Banier dated 22 February 1933

Dutch magazine Onze Vloot dated June 1935, p. 80, after a drawing of Adriaan van Sorge

An item reported that the French minister of navy Georges Leygues stating during an official dinner that the French navy a factor of essential importance was. Since the reforms started in 1925 was the fleet modernized and aged units replaced.(1) The reduction of the naval budget that year was just temporarily but the building of the new large battleship Dunkerque was continued.(1)

1. French politician (26 October 1937 Villeneuve-sur-Lit-2 September 1933 Saint-Cloud) was minister of navy 16 November 1917-20 January 1920, 28 November 1925-21 February 1930 and 3 June 1932-2 September 1933
2. See the note