
Monday 4 March 2013

Composition of the Chinese navy according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1911-1912 no. 8

An item reported that the Chinese navy consisted of 1 cruiser 2nd class, 7 cruisers 3rd class, 8 torpedo boats, 37 gunboats and 20 torpedo boats, totally 68 vessels with a total displacement of 45.070 tons. The shipbuilding program of which reported in the edition no. 4 resulting in a new navy with a total displacement of 250.000 tons was radical decreased. The Chinese navy would consist of 3 divisions, one for the coastal defence, one for the Yangtse river and a third one for training. The 1st division now consisting of 4 cruisers, some gunboats and torpedo boats was to be strengthened with 4 cruisers built abroad, the 2nd division consisted of 12 gunboats and the 3rd division of 2 cruisers, 10 gunboats and some torpedo boats. Three small cruisers were to be built in Germany, 2 in England and one in the USA and further more some torpedo boats and destroyers in Japan.