
Thursday 4 July 2019

The Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 25 May 1827

Frankfurt, 19 May. Tidings coming from Constantinople dated until the 10th of April which were received at Trieste 8 May reported that Lord Cochrane departed Marseille with a brig [le Sauveur] and a large galliot of war [the Licorne?] and according to the rumours with a large amount of cash (700.00 francs as a gift of the French fans of Greece) and arrived in the meantime at Poros. Cochrane travelled on to Aegina where he declared to want to fight for the freedom of Greece willing to be appointed as their grand admiral. Although the inhabitants of Hydra first not willingly were to give the command to a foreigner they agreed when Cochrane threatened to go back immediately. So he became grand admiral and departed directly with a squadron on a secret mission. The squadron consisted of the American built frigate Hellas, the steamship Carteria of Captain Hastings, the goelette he brought himself and 4 ships of Hydra. Rumours were that the expedition was towards Negroponte and Zeitouni or otherwise outside the Archipelago. At Constantinople were all efforts done to prepare the fleet commanded by a certain Soliman to be able to depart from Alexandria to search for Cochrane. In the meantime already 8 Turkish warships (2 frigates, 4 corvettes and 2 brigs) departed from here to the Dardanelles, the rest consisting out of 36 warships and many transports to be followed within short time.

Trieste, 12 May. A master who arrived after a voyage of 16 days coming from Constantinople reported that Cochrane was still at Napoli-di-Romania busy with fitting a strong division. The same master who visited Zante 8 days earlier heard there rumours that another 30 Turkish transports with victuals and war stores arrived at Medon.