
Thursday 11 July 2019

The British, French and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 13 August 1840

The newspaper Algemeine Zeitung of Augsburg published a letter from Alexandria dated 23 July. According to this letters was yesterday [22 July?} after the arrival of a steamboat from the Pasha coming from Beirut immediately the departure of 3 ships of the line towards Syria ordered without giving a reason. According to the rumours perhaps to transport he Alban soldiers being there.

The correspondent of the newspaper la Presse claimed that France started the negotiations between Constantinople and the Pasha of Egypt to return the Turkish fleet. From the French sea harbours came constant tidings dealing with the strengthening of the French fleet in the Mediterranean, something England didn’t do. According to the newest information consisted the French navy in that area of 15 ships of the line wit total 1.356 guns, 1-52 gun frigate, 21 small vessels and 21 armed steamships, not counting the 10 steamboats for the Levant trade which if necessary also could be fitted out for war purposes. This strength could be enforced within short time with another 3 ships of the line with 392 guns total. The British fleet consisted of 11 ships of the line with 890 guns total, 13 small vessels and 11 steamships. With the ships of the line at Lisbon and 4 more form British harbours this force could be strengthened within short time with another 6 ships of the line with 496 guns total.