
Sunday 8 December 2013

Dutch 6th rate Juno 1781-1786

Part of the squadron commanded by rear admiral Kruyne off Rammekens, province Zeeland in 1782-1783 during the war with the United Kingdom (4th Anglo-Dutch War (1780-1784). Her commanding officer was captain C.M. de With.

A 6th charter of the admiralty Friesland, built by J. Sweerus at Harlingen 1781-1782 and on 11 December 1786 stranded on rocks off Wight and lost, crew for the greater part rescued. Dimensions 140 x 40 x 16, armed with 36-38 guns and with a crew numbering 230 men.

- Notes from and correspondance with Jan Glete
- Catalogue Slag op de Doggersbank.
- L. Kamminga. Schepen van de Friese admiraliteit. Leeuwarden, 1937.
- Archief Admiraliteits Colleges XXXIX no. 115
- Archief Admiraliteits Colleges XLVII no. 17
- Archief Staten Generaal no. 9263.