
Monday 9 December 2013

Privateers of the Independents plundered harassed French merchant ship according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 30 July 1818

New York, 15 June. The master of the schooner Florestine coming from Martinique reported that some days before his departure a ship flying the flag of the Independents arrived at Saint Pierre to take fresh water on board. The authorities suspected her destination and visited her and discovered three officers of the Independents with a masters’ certificate on board, one was French, one Spanish and one American. They were immediately brought to the prison. One sailor confessed that the ship was of New Orleans and captured during the voyage a French brig. Eight passengers male and female were by the privateer landed on uninhabited island near Cayenne. A schooner of the French government immediately departed for them while the crew including the 3 captains of the Florestine had to appear for court at Saint Pierre.