
Wednesday 30 April 2014

Dutch protected cruiser Hr.Ms. Zeeland repaired at the Dutch shipyard Kon.Mij. De Schelde at Vlissingen, Netherlands

The shipyard was ordered on 27 July and 5 August 1904 to repair the (protected) cruiser Hr.Ms. Zeeland(1)  and her engines and boilers. The order was accepted for ƒ 365.605,80 later increased with another ƒ 8.015,80 for extra labour making totally ƒ 373.621,60. During the trials she was lacking enough  horsepower with as result that the contracted sum was reduced with ƒ 15.000, making a total of ƒ 358.621,60. The real costs were ƒ 313.671,79 (repairs ship ƒ 132.805,02 and engine+boilers ƒ 180.866,77 consisting of: materials +cash deck ƒ 158.336,50, wages ƒ 82.193,15, expenses over 1904-1905 ƒ 69.707,64, hire dry dock ƒ 3.434,50).

1. Laid down at the shipyard Kon.Mij. De Schelde at Vlissingen, Netherlands with yard number 85 on 27 November 1895, launched on 20 March 1897, trials on 5 April 1898 and delivered on 28 May.Decommissioned in 1924.

Archive shipyard Kon.Mij. De Schelde 1875-1970 (Municipal Archive Vlissingen, Netherlands) block 214 1217.