
Friday 26 November 2021

Italian coastal torpedo boat 45 PN 1915-1932

Laid down by Pattison, Naples Italy on 12 August 1914, launched on 16 September 1916, commissioned on 28 October 1916 and stricken on 29 February 1932. Of the PN- class torpedo boats 2nd series 40 PN-45 PN, 46 OS-51 OS, 52 AS-57 AS, 58 OL-63 OL and 64-69 PN. Displacement 108 (standard)-156 (loaded)-162 (with torpedoes), dimensions 42.50 x 4.64 x 1.60 metres. Crew number 30 men. Machinery consisted of 2 Thornycroft water tube boilers and vertical triple expansion steam engines, with 3.200 hp allowing a speed of 27 knots, range 1.000 nautical miles/14 knots and 175 nautical miles/27 knots. Armament 1-7.6 cal 30 guns and 1x2-45cm torpedo tubes


AMM. Paolo M. Pollina. Le Torpediniere Italiane. Officio Storico della Marina Militare. Rome, 1964.

Several editions of Jane’s Fighting Ships

The Naval Annual 1913

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