
Thursday 15 September 2011

French navy in action against the Spanish privateers according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 2 June 1823

Girona, 22 May. According to a telegram from Toulon departed the brig le Cuirassier (1) 25 May that port towards the Catalonian coast while escorting merchant ships destined towards Rosas. The goelette le Momes (2) left Toulon 26 May with the same destination.

A letter written on board of the Jean Bart (3) lying at Fort Royal, Martinique dated 12 Match described the capture of the Spanish privateer la Nueva Veloz Mariana of 345 ton, armed with 24-12pdrs and with a crew numbering 176 men. She was loaded with a cargo destined for Cadiz and coming from Vera Cruz and Havana. The cargo consisting of indigo, vanilla, cochineal and so on was worth 3.000.000 and there was also 3.00.000 in cash on board. The Jean Bart arrived 11 March 21.00 o'clock after a voyage of 34 days without any sick men at Martinique. They passed 20 February Santa Maria (Azores) and sighted 22 February 04.30 o'clock while passing Westwards of the Azores a vessel. The Jean Bart fired one shot at 6.45 o'clock when the other vessel hoisted for some time a large Spanish flag. During the whole day and night they pursued the vessel and finally 23 February at sunrise she came within the reach o the guns. Finally after 3 sharp shots with a 36 pdr she stopped and was visited. 60 French sailors went on board the privateer and 118 Spanish on board of the Jean Bart. All the hatches were sealed and she was sent while commanded by lieutenant Hébert supported by an officer with 10 soldiers to Martinique.

Letters from Marseilles reported that French cruisers captured two ships destined for Barcelona, one coming from Cadiz and the other one from Vigo.

J. Vichot. Répertoire des navires de guerre francais. Paris, 1967.

1. On stocks at Toulon 1821, launched 1822 and last mentioned 1843.
2. Launched at Toulon 1810 and last mentioned 1838.
3. Ship of the line on stocks at Lorient 1811, launched 1820 and last mentioned 1833.