
Monday 12 September 2011

The personnel of the American navy yards in 1830 according to Peter Force

Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That’s quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.

P. 149: “Navy yards. Officers, naval and civil, employed in the several navy yards.
Portsmouth, New Hamsphire
Naval: John D. Henley, commandant of the yard, Daniel Turner, master commandant, John C. Long, lieutenant, James Ferguson, sailing master, Charles Chase, surgeon and Joseph Watson, purser.
Civil: R. H. Ayer, naval store keeper, John Floyd, naval constructor, John Christee, clerk to commandant, John P. Simes, clerk of the yard and Joseph T. Hall, clerk to naval store keeper.
New York
Naval. Isaac Chauncey, commandant. F. H. Gregory, Master Commandant. C W Chauncey, Lieutenant. F. H. Ellison, sailing master, H. Hoff, acting sailing master, Samuel Jackson, surgeon, A. E. Kennedy, surgeon’s mates J. M. Halsey, purser, Addison Searle, chaplain, E.C. Ward, teacher of musicians. T. Morel, jr., teacher of languages. John Blight, gunner and John Myslick, boatswain.
Civil: Tunis Craven, naval store keeper, Samuel Hartt, naval constructor, H. J. Wellet, clerk to store keeper, E. Estabrook, clerk to constructor and check, Wandle Ham, clerk of the yard, George W. Lee, clerk to commandant, M. R. Talbot, clerk to commandant and A. Cheres, acting measurer of timber. Hospital: Thomas B. Sailer, surgeon, W. F. Payton, surgeon’s mate and John Wadsworth, steward.
Naval: Charles Morris, commandant, John White, lieutenant, G. P. Van Brunt, lieutenant, Robert Knox, master of the yard, Charles F. Waldo, sailing master, Gerard Dayers, surgeon, John F. Brook, assistant surgeon, E. N. Cox, purser, John P. Fenner, chaplain, William B. Brown, gunner (boatswain?) and Benjamin R. Knox, steward. Hospital: William Turk, surgeon and John B. Elliot, assistant surgeon.
Civil: Josiah Barker, naval constructor, George Bates, naval store keeper Jacob Pearson, assistant to store keeper, Eben Barker, inspector of timber, Samuel Etheridge, clerk of the yard, I. Etheridge, clerk to commandant, Jesse E Dow, clerk to commandant. James Sexton, clerk of the cheque.
Naval: William Bainbridge, commandant, E. R. Shubrick, master commandant, John Gwinn, lieutenant, William Knight, sailing master, Thomas Breese, purser, G W.Ridgely, chaplain, Asa Curtis, gunner, Abraham Powell, carpenter and Henry Crabb, steward.
Civil: James Keen, naval constructor and Henry S. Crabb, clerk to constructor, Robert Kennedy, naval storekeeper, John T. Kennedy, clerk to naval storekeeper, Aaron Wolf, clerk to commandant, William Vinyard, inspector of timber, Benjamin Wickes, clerk of the yard and John Silver, porter of the yard. Hospital: Hyde Ray, surgeon, Cornelius Moore, assistant surgeon and James Lewis, steward.
Naval: Isaac Hull, commandant, W.B. Shubrick, master commandant,  Alexander G. Gordon, lieutenant John A. Cook, lieutenant, Marmaduke Dove, sailing master. Wm. C. Selden, acting sailing master, Timothy Winn, purser, William Ryland, chaplain, David Eaton, boatswain, George Marshall, gunner, Abraham Broome, gunner and keeper of magazine and William Speiden, purser’s steward.
 Civil: Cary Selden, naval storekeeper, James Adams, clerk to naval storekeeper, Thomas Howard, clerk of the yard, M. Booth, clerk to the commandant, Richard Barry, clerk to the commandant, William Doughty, naval constructor, J. Owner, assistant master builder, James Carbery, inspector of timber, John Davis, of Abel, master plumber, John Judge, machinist, James Tucker, master anchor smith, Thomas Lyndall, master joiner, James Martin, master block maker and F. Barry, clerk to naval constructor. Hospital: Bailey Washington, surgeon, W. S. Ruschenberger, assistant surgeon and Barney O’Donald, steward.
Naval: James Barron, commandant, Isaac M’Keever, master commandant, Joseph Smoot, lieutenant, Hugh N. Page, lieutenant, Edward Fitzgerald, purser, Mifflin Coulter, assistant surgeon, James B Potts, sailing master, William B. Lyne, acting master, Timothy J. Harrison, chaplain, Peter J. Roderiguez, teacher of mathematics, John Freeman, boatswain, Samuel Hebbard, gunner and George Reed, steward.
Civil: Gabriel Gait, naval storekeeper, Chas. S. Boush, clerk to naval storekeeper, John L. King, clerk of the yard, S. B. Brown, clerk to commandant, Anthony J. McCourt, clerk to commandant, Francis Grice, naval constructor, Thos. Weisenthal, clerk of the check, James Jarvis, inspector of timber and John Cox, keeper of magazine. Hospital: James Corneck, surgeon and Samuel Morely, assistant surgeon.
Naval: A.J. Dallas, commandant. L. Rousseau, master commandant, Archibald Campbell, lieutenant, Nahum Warren, master, Josiah Colston, purser, Isaac Halse, surgeon John Patterson, boatswain, George Jackson, gunner, John Snyder, carpenter and John O’Sullivan, purser’s steward.
Civil: Charles D. Brodie, naval constructor Robert Fell, clerk to naval constructor, Robert Joyner, naval storekeeper, Daniel Munro, clerk of the yard, Archer Breese, clerk to commandant, Isaac S. Middleton, master joiner and Aaron Villette, master blacksmith. Hospital: James Page, surgeon and Samuel Barrington, surgeon’s mate.

Peter Force. Register of the army and navy of the United States, No. 1, Washington, no. 1830.