
Tuesday 2 July 2019

British opinions changing regarded the British and German naval strengths according to the Dutch newspaper Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad dated 8 February 1909

In England was the common enthusiasm for a navy  with the combined strength of two other navies slightly started to decrease resulting that the tone of the Liberal newspapers also became somewhat less agitated. They pointed out that the regular made comparison  with the German navy was false, the German fleet was much smaller as the British. On 31 March 1909 possessed England 50 battleships and 34 protected cruisers against the 34 respectively 8 of Germany. Germany possessed just 3 ship with a displacement larger as 13,000 tons against the 37 of England. In the last 3 years decreased the Liberal cabinet the naval expenses with nearly 3.500.000 British pound. The newspaper Daily Chronicle however reported that there were plans to built in 1910 6 ships of the so-called Dreadnought type and in 1912 another four.