
Friday 7 October 2011

The Greek navy and Austrian merchant ships in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 12 December 1825

Trieste, 29 November. The Austrian master Bellatin commanding officer of the goelette la Sabionella and Riego master of the goelette Opi arrived two days ago coming from Smyrna. Both reported that they met the Greek squadron commanded by Miaulis the 11th in the waters of Morea off Cape Matapan. Crews of some Greek ships went on board of the Austrian ships molesting the masters hoping that they would commit that their cargos were Turkish property and leaving while taking some gadgets with them. Both masters went on board of the ship of Miaulis and complained but the only answer that they got was that he could do nothing because the ships which molested them were property of fire ship captains.