For years was in the Netherlands a magazine published dealing with maritime affairs. A news item from Copenhagen dated 13 August 1856 announced that the new dry dock from the navy just over a year was to be finished. Due to the fact that the waters around the dock still had to be dredged, it could take some years before the dock could be used. Incoming seawater delayed the process severely. The dock had a length of 250 feet, the lock a width of 58 feet. Depth below the water surface was 29 feet and 6 duim [comparable with a inch], water height of the lock was 20 feet; the dimensions were presumably Dutch. The used granite stones came from Scotland .
G.A. Tindal en J. Swart. Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde. Vol 18.