
Sunday 29 April 2012

British transports Nubia, Armenia, Zayathla and Zibengla destined for South Africa according to the Dutch newspaper Vlissingse Courant dated 3 November 1899

An item reported that in England was feared for the fate of the transport Nubia which left Southampton on 18 October and since then disappeared. On board was the 1st battalion Scots Guards, the half of the 2nd battalion of the Northamptonshire regiment, a field hospital and so on. It was called a shame that such a worse ship was used as troop transport. The Goessche Courant dated Thursday 16 November reported the arrival of the transports Armenian and Nubia with 2,300 men and 600 horses Monday at Cape Town.

The steamships Zayathla and Zibengla transporting three batteries to South Africa finally arrived at Cape Town. Earlier it was feared that these ships were lost. The journalist concluded that also there ships were not of the best quality.

The Dutch newspaper De Zeeuw dated Saturday 4 November reported that last Monday the Zibengla loaded with field artillery and which had left on 2 October England finally arrived.

The Dutch newspaper Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode dated Saturday 4 November reported that according to rumours a British transport with 1,500 Scottish hussars was wrecked with all men while underway to South Africa. The journalist referred to a transport which left Saturday eight days earlier from Southampton.

1. The Second Boer War found place between 11 October 1899 and 31 May 1902 and ended in a defeat of the Boers and regaining British sovereignty of the Orange Free State and South African Republic (Transvaal). In 1920 became the Union of South Africa part of the Commonwealth.