
Thursday 13 June 2019

Boiler explosion on board of French warship Lalande according to the Dutch newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 1 August 1894

An item dated Brest 30 July reported the arrival of the torpedo boat Lalande for repairs of the damage caused by an exploded boiler tube.(1) One stoker was seriously wounded.

1. The Lalande was a protected cruiser of the Troude-class and not a torpedo boat. Laid down in 1887 at the shipyard of Soc. De la Gironde, launched in March two years later, completed in October 1890 was she stricken in 1912. With a displacement of 1.968 tons were her dimensions 95,00 (waterline) x 9,00 x 5,18 (maximum) metres or 311’5” x 29’6” x 17’. Her crew numbered 201 men with an original consisting of 4-5.5” guns, 4-3pd guns, 4-1pd revolvers and 4-14” surfaced torpedo tubes and she was also able to carry maximum 150 mines with her.