
Friday, 26 July 2019

Brazilian gunboat Alagao choose side of the president according to the Dutch newspaper De Tijd dated 16 September 1893

An item dated New York 15 September referred to tidings received by the newspaper New York Herald reporting that the 14th the fleet of the rebels bombarded between 11.00-17.00 oclock first the fortress near Nictheroy and next the city especially the arsenal. The next day was the bombardment repeated. The gunboat Alagaoa left the rebels and went to Rio where her captain all the rebels movements explained tot Peixoto.(1) The foreign ships in the harbour kept their neutrality in this civil war.

1. Floriano Peixoto (30 April 1839 Maceio-29 July 1895 Barra Mansa), president of Brazil 23 November 1891-15 November 1895.