
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Dutch frigate Euridice dry docked at Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Hollandsche Courant dated Saturday 20 September 1806

An item reported that on the Saturday before the 36-gun frigate Euridice commanded by captain Buyskens was brought into the newly built and completed dry dock at Hellevoesluis. She was with all accuracy inspected and if necessary repaired and on Tuesday left she the dock again. This was the first time that a ship was repaired in this manner in stead of the commonly used keeling.(1)

Anno December 2012 being restored
1. The oldest dry dock in the Netherlands at Flushing (1705) could no longer be used at that moment desperately needing repairs.At that moment was there just a keeling quay available. In the thirties of the 19th century was this dry dock restored and taken into service by the Royal Netherlands Navy until the navy yard at Flushing was closed in 1868. In 1875 was the dock taken into service by the private shipbuilding company Kon.Mij. De Schelde.