
Sunday, 22 December 2019

Steam tanker F.D. Asche in problems according to the Dutch newspaper Voorwaarts dated 23 December 1921

An item dated London the 20th referred to tidings received from New York reporting that the steam tanker F.D. Asche during a hurricane first stranded on the Bahamas reefs and than via the Manila reef was smashed into water with a depth of just 5,5 fathoms water loosing her bottom partly. Despite this disaster she managed to arrive at New York with the fore ship almost equal to the surface, the aft part still had some bottom left allowing this part raising above the surface. With all efforts succeeded her crew in the darkness to keep the dynamo working alarming the company via the wireless sending device. A salvage company sported her and her tanks were airtight closed and full with air pumped making it possible to pass the reef and continuing her voyage towards New York.