
Tuesday 24 December 2013

Dutch towage company Nederlandse Stoomsleepdienst v/h P. Smit Jr. tried to break strike according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwsblad van het Noorden dated 16 August 1911

An item reported that the captains of the tugs belonging to the towing service of Nederlandse Stoomsleepdienst v/h P. Smit Jr. had ordered the striking engineers to report before 06.00 o’clock by the board or the captains while otherwise they were fired. If they were ever taken into service again by the company were their service years of the past no longer counted. The striking cabin boys were all fired. On that moment was the strike going on board of sixty tugs lying in the harbour and new personnel was taken into service to replace the strikers. The tugs which were not used were laid up in the St. Jobshaven.