
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Austrian squadron visiting the Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Heldersche en Nieuwedieper Courant dated Thursday 19 May 1864

An item dated Den Helder the 18th October reported that on Monday and Tuesday an Austrian squadron commanded by vice admiral baron Wüllerstorf entered the harbour. It consisted of the Elizabeth, flagship. Commanded by Zacharia with 300 men, the ship of the line Kaiser commanded by baron Pock with 1.000 men, the armoured frigate Don Juan d’Austria commanded by Pakorng with 700 men, the corvette Friedrich commanded by ritter von Wipplinger with 500 men, the gunboat Wall commanded by von Mansvel and the gunboat Seehund commanded by Kronowetter, latter two ships each with 250 men. All ships had (auxiliary) steam power. On Wednesday morning steamed the Dutch steam tug Stad Amsterdam with interested ladies and gentlemen and the musicians of the Dutch Royal Institute of the Navy towards the roads to sight the Austrian ships.