
Thursday 8 May 2014

Dutch screw steamship 2nd clas Zr.Ms. Citadel van Antwerpen left Plymouth, England bound for the Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Heldersche en Nieuwedieper Courant dated 18 December 1859

An item reported that the Dutch steamship Zr.Ms. Citadel van Antwerpen captain lieutenant G.P.J. Mossel left on the 10th Plymouth, England bound for the Dutch East Indies.

1. Screw steamship 2nd class, ex-Dordrecht renamed 1857, laid down at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands on 19 February 1856, launched in 1867, lengthened in 1865-1868 lengthened, sold to be broken up in 1877, dimensions 56,00 (since 1865 60) x 11,05 x 5,40 metres, displacement 1780 tons, 13 guns, horsepower 250 nhp/700 ehp, speed 9 knots and a crew numbering 180 men.