
Sunday 16 August 2015

Dutch 4th charter Glindhorst 1754-1788

Of the admiralty Amsterdam, built by Charles Bentam at naval yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1754, sold in 1788, dimensions (Amsterdam foot) 153 (lower deck) x 43 x 18½-20, an armament of 50-54 guns and a crew numbering 300 men. Commanded in 1762 by captain Aron Vogelzang, in 1781 by Constantijn van Vlierden, in July 1782: part of 3rd division leaving Texel, captain Aberson and on 5 October 1782 lying at Texel. She was described as old in 1782, in 1782 fitted out and repaired while the Republic was lacking ships but she was hardly suitable for a summer cruising.