
Monday 17 August 2015

Floating crane launched at Schiedam, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwe Schiedamsche Courant dated 7 November 1911

An item reported the launching at the shipyard Gusto (firm A.F. Smulders), Schiedam, Netherlands of the steel made hull of a floating crane with a lifting capacity of 150 tons. Dimensions 39 x 19 x 4,70 (hold fore)-2,30 (hold aft) metres. Able to lift stores to a height 60 metres above the water level and with a maximum lifting capacity of 150 tons. Even when actually lifting a weight could the crane be turned with the hull remaining horizon without any inclination. She was the third of four complete similar cranes all built or being built for Italy and to be used for lifting and placing heavy artillery and carriages on board of battleships. (1)

1. Yard numbers 410, 415 (Tourelle), 422 and 431 (Giulio).The No. 415 or Tourelle was lost underway towards Italy.