
Friday 11 November 2016

Replica of French frigate l’Hermione 1997-

Rochefort, France 21 October 2016

A replica of the French frigate l’Hermione of 1779, which belonged to the 32 gun Concorde-class frigates which were armed with 32 guns consisting of 26-12pd long guns and 6-6pd guns. In 1992 was her building ordered thanks to members of the Centre International de la Mer, The actual building by Asselin, Rochefort, France started not earlier as 1996 and finally she was launched on 6 July 2012. 2015. Displacement 1.166 tons and ad dimensions 65 x 11m24 x 5,78 metres or 213’ x 36.9’x 19.0’. Crew numbered 72 men. Full rigged but also fitted out with an auxiliary engine.