
Monday 31 January 2022

Belgian cabinet objected against French-Polish ammunition transports according to the Weekly Intelligence Summary Nr. 8 dated 28 August 1920

An item reported that the Belgian cabinet still objected against the shipping of French ammunition for Poland via the harbour of Antwerp. On 25 August resigned the Belgian minister of Foreign  Affairs while the minister of War although intending to resign stayed. It seemed that the cabinet would wait for the return of the king from Brazil.(1,2)


1.Second cabinet Delacroix (2 December 1919-20 November 1920). The minister of Foreign Affairs was Paul Hymans, and for defence Paul-Emile Janson.

2. Albert Leopold Clemens Marie Meinrad (1875-1934), king of the Belgians between 1909-1934


The National Archives CAB 24-111-18

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