
Thursday 27 January 2022

German unprotected cruiser SMS Falke visited the Dutch East Indies in 1899

The Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Zeemacht 1898-1899 reported that the German cruiser 3rd class SMS Falke (1) visited Batavia, Dutch East Indies between 19-24 August 1899. The Dutch newspaper Preanger-bode dated 18 August 1899 reported that her arrival at Tandjong Priok was expected on 18 August. The Bataviaasch nieuwsblad dated 21 August reported that the Dutch commander-in-chief invited the etat-majors of the German warship Falke, the British warship HMS Phoenix, the British and German consuls, the etat-major of the Dutch guard ship and the officers of the department for navy for a dinner. The Soerabaijasch Nieuwsblad dated 22 August reported her arrival at Batavia on Saturday morning 19 August coming from Thursday Island commanded by Schoenfelder or Schönfelder at Tandjong Priok bound for Colombo and intended to stay 6 days. Her crew numbered 170 men including 9 officers and she was armed with 8-10,5cm guns and 5 revolver guns. The Bataviaasch nieuwsblad dated 24 August reported the departure towards Kiel, Germany.


1. Part of the Bussard-class unprotected cruisers, preceded by Schwalbe-class, succeeded by SMS Gefion, laid down at the Kaiserliche Werft, Kiel, Germnay with the contract name “D” in January 1890, launched on 4 April 1891, commissioned on 14 September 1891, stricken on 25 October 1912 and broken up in 1913.

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