
Sunday 31 December 2023

Japanese auxiliary minelayer Kuroshima 1914-1947

Launched at Maizuru on 29 October 1914, completed in 1914, captured in August 1914, used by the Repatriation Service until 1947, handed over to China on 3 October 1947 and renamed Chieh 29. The appareance of the several units differs expecially dealing with the position of the main mast, which by some ships even was fitted at one side at the stern. Some sources referred to as mining vessels. General characteristics a displacement of 405 (standard)-420 (normal) tons (metric tons 412 respectively 427) and as dimensions 150 (between perpendicular) x 25 x 7.5 feet. Range 430 nautical miles/12 knots speed. Reciprocating propulsion with one boiler and vertical triple expansion engine delivering 600 ihp allowing a speed of 12.8 knots. Armament consisted of 2x1-7.72cm/3” 40 cal anti aircraft guns and 120 mines type No. 4 of which 60 were stowed on rails on the upper deck and the other 60 in 3 holds and probably 2-4 machine guns. The aft gun was replaced between 1941-1942 by depth charge equipment. Served as minelayers, escort and harbour defence duties. 

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