
Thursday, 27 March 2025

Dutch passenger annex cargo ship Damsterdyk 1930-1940 (RO 12 1940-1941, Mulhausen 1941-1949, Lagerdyk 1949-1963, Presvia 1963)


Launched by N.V. Wilton's Machinefabriek & Scheepswerf, Schiedam, Netherlands with yard number 322 on 17 May 1930, delivered to N.V. Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'Holland-Amerika Lijn', Rotterdam, Netherlands on 27 August 1930, in hands of German Kriegsmarine since 7 August 1940 as the RO 12, renamed Mulhausen and managed by Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt A.G., Hamburg, Germany since 9 July 1941, Luftwaffe target in 1942, target for submarines in 1943, partly burned after an Allied air attack on Kiel, Germany on 5 April 1945.,towed back to the Netherlands in 1946, returned to owner and renamed Dalerdyk on 5 January 1949, sold and owner/manager Belvientes Compañia Naviera S.A., Panama as Presvia on 26 July 1963 and broken up in Japan in August 1963.

British cruiser HMS Charybdis 1939-1943

Arethusa-class. ©

Dido. ©

Fiji or Crown Colony-class. ©

Pennant 88.Part of Dido-class Dido-sub-class preceded by Arethusa-class succeeded by Fiji-class and were designed to replace the C- and D-classes cruisers. Laid down by Cammell Laird, Birkenhead, England on 9 November 1939, launched on 17 September 1940, completed on 3 December 1941 and torpedoed and sunk by the German torpedo boat T23in the battle of Sept-Iles on 23 October 1943. 

Greek cargo ship Gianulis Gunari bound for France according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 30 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 30 December 1959 B No. 596g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland the ships passing the Dardanelles coming from Romania and loaded with contraband for the enemy. An item mentioned on 23 December the Greek cargo ship Gianulis Gunaris loaded with 3,800 ton wheat for British account bound for Marseille, France.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Italian steamship Egitto searched by a British destroye raccording to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland that the Italian steamship Egitto active on the shipping line Istanbul, Turkey-Izmir, Turkeyon 16 November before Istanbul was stopped, searched and released by a British destroyer.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Research/survey vessel Breaker (1956)

Scheveningen, Netherlands end January 2025

Panama-flagged, IMO 4644878, MMSI 371150000 and call sign HP4641. Built in 1956. According to shipspotting the former Swedish coastal minelayer MLC HSwMS Farosund 18 part of the Arkösund-class. A list of the Swedish navy mentioned that the Fårösund was No. 16 or ex-MUL 16, No.18 ex MUL 18 was the Öresund, which however was changed in Fårösund.The latter was launched in 1956, decommissioned in 2012 and sold in 2014. The original MUL 17 was broken up early nineties. 

German submarine offensive in the Western Atlantic maintained same level according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 24 January 1942

An item reported that the German submarine offensive in the Western Atlantic seemed not to decrease and submarines continuous were replaced.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary No. 45 dated 24 January 1942. 

Characteristics of German submarine U 6 as reported to the British Admiralty on 23 October 1935

An item reported that the German Marineattaché captain Erwin Wassner at London informed the British Admiralty conform the Anglo-German Naval Agreement dated 18 June 1935 that the submarine U 6 laid down in April 1935 and completed on 7 September 1935. Standard displacement (article 6 of Treaty) 250 tons/243 metric tons and as dimensions 41.6 (waterline) x 4.0 (extreme beam at or below waterline) x 3.85 (average draught at standard displacement) metres. Heaviest calibre 2cm.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché at London. RM 12-II/119. 

Chilean landing ship Rancagua lST-92 1981-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Part of Batral-class. Launched by ASMAR. Talcahuano, Chile on 26 September 1981, baptized on 26 March 1982 and handed over on 8 August 1983. 

French privateer la Notre Dame de Lombardie 1694

Homeport Dunkirk. Master J.J. Fossecave.


H. Malo Les Corsaires dunkerquois et Jean Bart, vol. 2.

Italian sailing ship Vergine di Pompei lost in 1916

According to a list of the Italian Department for transport over sea and by rail was she lost on 15 August 1916 due to submarine attack on the location 41.45 Latitude 10.2 Longitude. Tonnage 145 tons.


Bundesarchiv RM 20/728.

Chilean frigate (ex-HMS Grafton F 80 1993-2007) Almirante Lynch FF 07 2007-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Ordered in January 1992, laid down by Yarrow Shipbuilders on 13 May 1993, launched on 5 November 1994, commissioned on 27 May 1997, decommissioned on 31 March 2006, sold to Chile, commissioned on 28 March 2007. Part of Duke-class Type 23 frigates preceded by Type 22 frigates and succeeded by Types 26, 31 and 32, latter in designing process. 

Portuguese fragatinha Nossa Senhora de Monserrate 1728-1729

Of the Estado da India, mentioned between 1728-1729.


A. Marques Esparteira. Catalogo dos navios brigantinos (1640-1901). Lisboa, 1976.

Dutch East Indiaman Lants Welvaren 1685

Pinnace, E.I.C.-chamber Amsterdam, built in 1685, dimensions 161 x 39½ x 18 feet.


F.W. van Stapel. Beschrijving van de O.I. Compagnie. 

Wednesday, 26 March 2025

British landing ship HMAV Arakan (L4003) 1976-2015

Schelde, Netherlands towed by the Dutch tug Bever underway towards Ghent, Belgium to be broken up on 23 March 2015

IMO 7426772. Of the British Army, operated by Royal Corps of Transport. Laid down by Brooke Marine Yachts, Lowestoft, United Kingdom with yard number 417 on 27 August 1975, launched on 29 July 1976, completed in 1997. Part of Ardennes-class. Sold for service in Nigeria in 1997, however laid up at Lowestoft, England, stricken in March 1999 and broken up at Ghent, Belgium in 2015.

Yugoslavian steamship Lovcen searched by British destroyer according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland that the Yugoslavian steamship Lovcen active on the shipping line Izmir, Turkey-Trieste, Italy was stopped, search and released by a British destroyer in the week of 19-25 November.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Italian steamship Quirinale brought by British destroyer into Malta according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. referred the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland to a report of the German general consul at Izmir. In the week of 19-25 November was the Italian steamship Quirinale active on the shipping lane Izmir, Turkey-Piraeus, Greece within the Turkish territorial waters halted by a British destroyer and brought into Malta where she on 28 November still was lying.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459.

Japanese navy supported landings on Celebes, Dutch East Indies according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942

An item reported that the Japanese landing at Kema, Roemba and Menado, northern Celebes, Dutch East Indies was supported by an aircraft carrier, cruisers and destroyers. Dutch aircraft hit two cruisers. Japan controlled the Straits of Makassar and the sea lanes for 300 miles south from Mindanao isolating the Phlippines.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942 No. 35. 

Chilean offshore patrol vessel Comandante Toro OPV-82 2006-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

OPV-80 class. Part of Porject Danubio VU. Building by Astilleros y Maestranzas de la Armaa (ASMAR) started on 14 December 2006, delivered on 14 October 2008 and commissioned on 27 August 2009. 

Characteristics of the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney as reported to the German Marineattaché at London on 17 October 1935

Emerald. ©

Leander-class. ©

Arethusa-class. ©

An item reported that the German Marineattaché captain Erwin Wassner at London was informed by the British Admiralty conform the Anglo-German Naval Agreement dated 18 June 1935 that the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney ex HMS Phaeton was laid down on 8 July 1933, completed on 24 September 1935. Standard displacement (article 6 of Treaty) 6,830 tons/6,939 metric tons and as dimensions 552.0 (waterline) x 56.8 (extreme beam at or below waterline) x 15.4. (mean draught at standard displacement) feet. Heaviest calibre 6”.(1)


1. Modified Leander-class light cruiser preceded by Emerald-class succeeded by Arethusa-class.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché at London. RM 12-II/120. 

Enemy submarines sighted off Oahu and California according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 17 January 1942

An item reported that 4 enemy sumarines were sighted south and west of Oahu and two more off the Californian coast.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 17 January 1942 No. 38. 

Chilean anti aircraft frigate (ex-HMAS Newcastle 1989-2019) Capitán Prat FFG-11 2020-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Adelaide-class guided missile frigates preceded by Daring-class destroyer succeeded by Hobart-class destroyer. Laid down by AMECON, Williamstown, Australia on 21 July 1989, launhed on 21 February 1992, commissioned on 11 December 1993, decommissioned on 30 June 2019, sold to Chile and commissioned on 15 April 1920.

British merchant ships changing crews for war risks according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland that the British steamship Herland lying here signed off her Mediterranen crew due the large danger when going to England. Part of the crew of the British steamship Socony signed off for the same reason in the USA and arrivered here with an American steamship.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Cargo ships loaded with war store underway towards Turkey according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland tha a well informed source stated that another 7 steamships loaded with war stores were underway towards Turkey.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Chilean frigate (ex-Hr.Ms. Abraham van der Hulst F832 1989-2004 ) Almirante Blanco Encalada FF-15 2004-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Laid down by Koninklijke Schelde Groep, Vlissingen, Netherlands on 8 Feburary 1989, launched on 7 September 1991, launched on 7 December 1991, commissioned on 15 December 1993, decommissioned in 2004, sold to Chile, commissione on 16 December 2005. Part of Karel Doorman or M-class frigates preceded by Roofdier- and Kortenaer-classses succeeded by ASWF-class (in designing process). 

American whaler Luminary visited Honolulu, Hawaii according to the newspaper The Polynesian dated 29 November 1851

An item reported the arrival at Honolulu, Hawaii on 22 November of the American whaler Luminary master Norton 37 months out coming from the Arctic 40 barrels sperm oil 2,300 barrels whale oil 5,000 lbs bone.

American whaler Pocahontas spoken spoken according to the newspaper The Polynesian dated 21 August 1852

An item reported that the John and Edward spoke on 19 May the Pocahontas 23 months out 250 barrels sperm oil.

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Turkish amphibious assault ship TCG Anadolu L 400 2018-

27 September 2024

Ordered on 1 June 2015, laid down by Sedef Shipbuilding Inc., Istanbul, Turkey on 7 February 2018, launched on 30 April 2019 and commissioned on 10 April 2023. 

Anonymous submarine sighed in the Black Sea according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland that according to the press un anonymous submarine was sighted. In fact was it not a submarine but just a wreck. It was reported to prevent custody.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459.

British steamship Brodwal underway from Romania towards Gibraltar according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland the ships passing Istanbul coming out of the Black Sea and loaded with contraband for the enemy. An item mentioned the British steamship Brodwal on 28 November with 5,200 ton wheat underway from Constanta, Romania towards Gibraltar for orders, Probably bound for Newcastle, England.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Chilean frigate (ex-Hr.Ms. Abraham van der Hulst F832 1989-2004 ) Almirante Blanco Encalada FF-15 2004-

Valparaiso, Chile 2 March 2025

Laid down by Koninklijke Schelde Groep, Vlissingen, Netherlands on 8 Feburary 1989, launched on 7 September 1991, launched on 7 December 1991, commissioned on 15 December 1993, decommissioned in 2004, sold to Chile, commissioned on 16 December 2005. Part of Karel Doorman or M-class frigates preceded by Roofdier- and Kortenaer-classes succeeded by ASWF-class (in designing process). 

Australian aircraft attacking Japanese cruisers and transports according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 13 January 1942

An item reported Australian aircraft stationed on Amboina, Dutch East Indies attacked and hit Japanese cruisers and transports. Dutch forces abandoned Tarakan and Menado after destroying all facilities.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 13 January 1942 No. 34 

German submarines threatening American and Canadian coastal shipping according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942

An item reported that German submarines gathered south of Newfoundland wch was a vital area for forming or dispersing convoys and a focal point for either unescorted or coastal convoy traffic. Further more were 3-4 enemy submarines active in the Gulf of Maine perhaps as far as south as the Nantucket shoals. These submarines were probably bound to the south and were a large threat for the coastal shipping.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942 No. 35. 

Chilean replishment oiler (ex-Slethav 1984-1989, Alpaca 1989-2010) CNS Araucano AO-53 2010-

Valparaiso, Chile 2 March 2025

Chile-flagged, homeport Valparaiso, IMO 8212300 and call sign CCAR. Laid down by Uddevallavarvet AB, Uddevalla, Sweden as Slethav for A/S Karlander, Fredrikstad, Norway on 22 April 1984, launched on 6 October 1983, delivered on 20 January 1984, renamed Alpaca in 1989 and commissioned in Chilean navy on 17 December 2010. Shipspotting reported on 24-3-2024 her dead since March 2024.

Characteristics of British destroyer HMS Intrepid as reported to the German Marineattaché at London on 12 February 1936

Icarus of I-class. ©

Tribal-class. ©

An item reported that the German Marineattaché captain Erwin Wassner at London was informed by the British Admiralty conform the Anglo-German Naval Agreement dated 18 June 1935 that the destroyer HMS Intrepid was laid down on 6 January 1936. Standard displacement (article 6 of Treaty) 1,350 tons/1,372 metric tons and as dimensions 320.0 (waterline) x 33.0 (extreme beam at or below waterline) x 8.6 (mean draught at standard displacement) feet. Heaviest calibre”4.7”.(1)


1. Part of I-class preceded by G- and H-classes succeeded by Tribal-class.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché at London. RM 12-II/120. 

Italian sailing ship Candida Altieri lost in 1916

According to a list of the Italian Department for transport over sea and by rail was she lost on 15 August 1916 due to unknown on the location25 miles north west of Pouza. Tonnage 282 tons.


Bundesarchiv RM 20/728.

Chilean frigate (ex-HMS Marlbourgh F 233 1987-2008 Almirante Condell FF-06 2008- and Chilean replishment oilder (ex-Andrew Higgings T-AO 190) Almirante Montt AO-52 2010-

Valparaiso, Chile 2 March 2025

Almirante Condell. Part of Duke-class Type 23 frigates preceded by Type 22 frigates and succeeded by Types 26, 31 and 32, latter in designing process. Ordered in September 1986, laid down by Swan Hunter, Wallsend, England on 27 October 1987, launched on 21 January 1989, commissioned on 14 June 1991, decommissioned on 8 July 2005, sold to Chile and recommissioned on 28 May 2008.

Almirante Montt. Henry J. Kaiser-class preceded by Cimarron-class succeeded by John Lewis-class.

Ordered on 22 November 1983, laid down by Avondale Shipyard, New Orleans, USA on 21 NOvember 1985, launched on 17 January 1987, part of reserve since 6 May 1996, stricken on 6 January 2009, sold to Chile on 19 May 2009 and officially handed over on 10 February 2010. 

Dutch Greenland whaler De Jonge Klaas Keuken returned home according to the Dutch newspaper Amsterdamse courant dated 8 September 1703

An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands 7 September reported the recent arrival in the Vlie or at Texel of the Dutch Greenland wh;ler De Jonge Klaas Keuken 4 whales. Leaving the ice they heard about the war with France and went not to the rendezvous but straight home.  


1. The Dutch Republic and France were enemies during the War of the Spanish Succession 1701-1713.

Dutch Greenland commandeur Dirk Bompert returned home according to the Dutch newspaper Amsterdamse courant dated 8 September 1703

An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands 7 September reported the recent arrival in the Vlie or at Texel of the Dutch Greenland commandeur Dirk Bompert 2 whales. Leaving the ice they heard about the war with France and went not to the rendezvous but straight home.  


1. The Dutch Republic and France were enemies during the War of the Spanish Succession 1701-1713. 

Monday, 24 March 2025

Chilean barquentine Esmeralda 1946-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Chile-flagged, IMO 8642799, MMSI 7250109006 and call sign CCES. Originally to be built as a Spanish national ship. Ordered on 30 May 1946, building started by Echevarrieta y Larrinaga, Cadiz, Spain in 1946, after being harassed by problems causing severe damage was the shipyard in 1947 nearly bankrupt, the building was stopped, negotiations between Spain and Chile dealing with never paid debts by Spain resulted in a transfer of her, building continued, launched on 15 June 1954 and delivered as a 4 mast topsail schooner on 15 June 1954.

England bought majort part of Greek shipping cargo capacity according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland tha according to the press England bought a major part of the Greek shipping cargo capacity. A well informed source mentioned that the negotiations yet were not ended.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Harbour of Malta blockaded by ships which were to be examined according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland that according to a statement of steamship masters the harbour of Malta was blocked by the large number of ships brought in to be examined. The British authorities seemed to be interested in using a French Nordafrican harbour as control station. The warehouses at Malta were packed by the forces unloading of cargoes of neutral steamships.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

British surveillance forces using Gulf of Saros for refuelling and shelter according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland that the British surveillance forces used the Gulf of Saros or Saros Bay [north of Istanbul] for refuelling and shelter for bad weather.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

Chilean general cargo ship Saint Brandan 1975-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Chile-flagged, homeport Valparaiso, IMO 7434092, MMSI 725000755 and call sign CA315. Owner/manager Maritima Transaustral Ltd., Punta Arenas, Chile. Launched by James W. Cook&Co. Ltd., Wivenhoe, England on 14 November 1975, launched on 26 September 1976 and completed on 8 December 1976. 

American submarine USS Pompano (1) sunk large Japanese merchant ship according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942

Kamikawa Maru. ©

An item reported that the American submarine USS Pompano (1) torpedoed and sunk a Japanese merchant ship of about 17,000 tons near Wotje, Marshall Islands. The ship was believed to be part of the Yawata-class. On a paper was written Yawata [Maru] a 21 knots 560 feet 16,500 tons former Transpacific liner listed by ONI as a potential troop transport or plane carrier or the Kamikawa (Not Kamakura) a 6,853 ton seaplane tender.


1. SS-181, Part of the Porpoise-class preceded by Cachalot-class succeeded by Salmon-class, laid down by Mare Island Naval Shipyard on 14 January 1936, launched on 11 March 1937, commissioned on 12 June 1937 and lost in September 1943 probably after striking a mine. The Yawata attack was on 12 January.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942 No. 35. 

Characteristics of British destroyer HMS Foxhound as reported to the German Marineattaché at London on 16 September 1935

An item reported that the German Marineattaché captain Erwin Wassner at London was informed by the British Admiralty conform the Anglo-German Naval Agreement dated 18 June 1935 that the destroyer HMS Foxhound laid down on 15 August 1933 was completed on 21 June 1935. Standard displacement (article 6 of Treaty) 1,350 tons/1,372 metric tons and as dimensions 326 (waterline) x 33.3 (extreme beam at or below waterline) x 8.5 (mean draught at standard displacement) feet. Heaviest calibre 4.7”.(1)


1. F-class destroyer preceded by C- and D-classes succeeded by G- and H-classes.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché at London. RM 12-II/120. 

Japanese seaplanes reconnoitred part of Dutch East Indies according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942

An item reported that Japanese seaplanes reconnoitred the vicinity of Ternate and Halmahera, Dutch East Indies.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 14 January 1942 No. 35. 

Chilean general cargo ship (ex-Danica Brown 1986-2015) Lago Icalma 2015-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Chile-flagged, homeport Valparaiso, IMO 8421872, MMSI 725001472 and call sign CA5379. Built by Saksobing Maskinfabrik&Skibsvaerft, Sakskobing, Denmark in 1986. Owner/manager GV Naviera, Quilpue, Chile. 

Dutch cat Bronstee 1685

Of the E.I.C.-chamber Amsterdam, built in 1685, dimensions 100 x 23½ x11 feet.


F.W. van Stapel. Beschrijving van de O.I. Compagnie. 

Portuguese fragatinha Senhora da Nazare e Sao Luis 1724-1735

Of the Estado da India, mentioned between 1724-1735, rebuilt at Palo.


A. Marques Esparteira. Catalogo dos navios brigantinos (1640-1901). Lisboa, 1976.

French privateer la Duchesse de Brabant 1667

Homeport Dunkirk. Master Joseph Folaert. Measurement 10 ton.


H. Malo Les Corsaires dunkerquois et Jean Bart, vol. 2.

Chilean fishing support vessel Cabo de Hornos 2013-

Valparaiso, Chile 3 March 2025

Chile-flagged, homeport Valparaiso, IMO 9495351, MMSI 725019072 and call sign CCCH. Owner/manager Chilean Government. Built by Asmar Talcahuano, Talcahuano, Chile in 2013. 

German Greenland whaler Eendracht returned home according to the Dutch newspaper Oprechte Haerlemsche courant dated 18 August 1699

An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands 17 August reported the arrival on 14 August at Bremen of the German Greenland whaler Eendracht zero results.

German Greenland whaler Juffr. Margareta returned home according to the Dutch newspaper Oprechte Haerlemsche courant dated 18 August 1699

An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands 17 August reported the arrival on 14 August at Bremen of the German Greenland whaler Juffr. Margareta 2 whales

German Greenland whaler De 7 Sterren returned home according to the Dutch newspaper Oprechte Haerlemsche courant dated 18 August 1699

An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands 17 August reported the arrival on 14 August at Bremen of the German Greenland whaler De 7 Sterren 15 whales.

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Dutch research vessel (ex-Polarbjorn 1974-1995) Arctic Sunrise 1995-

Scheveningen, Netherlands 21 March 2025

Netherlands-flagged, homeport Amsterdam, IMO 7382902, MMSI 44538000 and call sign PE6851. Laid down by Vaagen Verft Engineering, Kyrkesaetora, Norway on 1 February 1974, launched on 1 September 1974 and commissioned on 1 January 1975. Owner/manager Greenpeace Council Stichting, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Icebreaker. Used as seal hunter. 

Characteristics of German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau as reported to the British Admiralty on 13 November 1935

Scharnhorst. ©

Elsass and Hessen, part of Braunschweig-class©

Hessen as target. ©

An item reported that the German Marineattaché captain Erwin Wassner at London informed the British Admiralty conform the Anglo-German Naval Agreement dated 18 June 1935 that the (Panzerschiffe D (1) and E (2) were laid down on 14 Feburary 1934. To be completed in spring 1938. Standard displacement (article 6 of Treaty) 26,000 tons/26,416 metric tons. and as dimensions 226,0 (waterline) x 30,0  (extreme beam at or below waterline) x 7.5 (mean draught at standard displacement) metres. Heaviest calibre 28cm.


1. Scharnhorst ordered as Ersatz Elsass replacing pre-dreadnought Elsass, contract name “D”.

2. Gneisenau ordered as Ersatz Hessen replacing pre-dreadnought Hessen, contract name “E”.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché at London. RM 12-II/119. 

Russian steamship Swanetia inspected by British cruisers according to a letter of the German naval attaché at Istanbul dated 2 December 1939

British Arethusa-class cruisers. ©

In his letter dated Istanbul, Turkey 2 December 1939 No. 491 g. reported the German naval attaché to the Oberkommando der Wehrmach Abteilung Ausland that the Russian steamship Swanetia active on the shipping line Istanbul, Turkey-Piraeus, Greece on 11 November in the Doro Channel was stopped and searched by two British Arethusa-class cruisers. On her return voyage was she on in the night of 22-23 November half way Doro Channel-Dardanelles by a British Arethusa-class asked to her identify herself. The Swanetia saw none warships above the mentioned cruisers on her round trip and no guarding of Istanbul.


Bundesarchiv. German Marineattaché for Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria 1939-1941. RM 12-II/459. 

American whaler Alexander cleared at Laihana, Hawaii according to the newspaper The Polynesian dated 12 March 1853

An item reported that at Laihana, Hawaii on 7 March  was cleared the American whaler Alexander master Ryan for cruising

Dutch fishing vessel (ex-Wiron 4 IJM 209 1950-1962, Nooit Gedacht IJM 239 1962-1970, Willem Junior UK 273 1970-1975, Hornhecht 1978-1993, Johanna 1993-2007, Marion 2007-2022) Luna Azul 2022-

Scheveningen, Netherlands 20 March 2025

Netherlands-flagged, homeport Scheveningen, IMO 525448, MMSI 246187000 and call sign PFDF. Launched by N.V. Scheepsbouwwerf De Dageraad v/h Wed. J. Boot, Woubrugge, Netherlands on 3 November 1950

Dutch cargo-passenger ship Bontekoe 1922-1959


Launched by J.&K. Smit’s Scheepswerven, Kinderdijk, Netherlands with yard number 689 in June 1922, delivered to owner/manager N.V. Koninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij, Batavia, Netherlands East Indies/since 1947 Amsterdam, Netherlandson 17 February 1923 and sold to be broken up at Hong Kong in 1959. 

American whaler John cleared at Laihana, Hawaii according to the newspaper The Polynesian dated 12 March 1853

An item reported that at Laihana, Hawaii on 1 March was cleared the American whaler John master Tilton for cruising

British lieutenant-commander Litttledale representing Estonian navy according to the Weekly Appreciation of matters of naval interest No. 81 for the week ended 3 July 1920

An item reported that the S.N.O. Baltic received a request from a retired lieutenant-commander Littledale for British Admiralty publications on behalf of the Estonian navy. The Admiralty however was not aware of the presence of this officer in Estonia.


The National Archives, Kew Gardens, England CAB 24-109-4

German naval auxiliary supply ship ms Königsberg in 1940

In a letter dated 13 April 1942 No. 1329 to the O.K.M./1 Abteilung Skl. was the so-called ‘Etappen’-organisation of the navy described. In the attachment were the blockade runners decribed used for this purpose. naval auxiliary supply ship for the auxiliary cruiser H.S.K. 21 left Para on 28 May 1940 but scuttled 100 nautical miles west of Vigo, Spain after she was intercepted by a French patrol vessel on 16 June 1940.


Bundesarchiv RM 7/223 

Dutch supply vessel Fugro Zenith 2020-

Scheveningen, Netherlands 21 March 2025

Bahamas-flagged, homeport Nassau, IMO 9692624, call sign C6IE6 and MMSI 311001649. Laid down by Fujian Mawel Shipbuilding, Mawei, China on 22 July 2013, launched on 4 August 2015, completed and delivered to Sea Gull Shipowning Inc. On 17 January 1920, Norway International register-flagged, homeport Bergen, since December 2022 Marshall Islands-flagged, homeport Majuro and since January 2025 as Fugro Zenith Owned by Dubbi Shipping BV and C/O Remoy Shiping AS, Fosnavaag, Norway. Shipspotting reported as Fujian Mawei 628 2, Malaysia-flagged, owner/manager Nam Cheong International, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Japanese destroyer Tsuga 1919-1945


Part of Momi-class preceded by Kawakaze-class succeeded by Minekaze-class. Development of the Enoki second-class destroyers building authorized under the 8-4 Fleet Program and planned 28 units of which were 21 were built and the last seven as the Wakatake-class. Laid down by Ishikawajima Shipyards, Tokyo, Japan on 5 March 1919, launched on 17 April 1920, completed on 20 June 1920, sunk during an American air attack off Taiwan on 15 January 1945 and stricken on 10 March 1945. 

American whaler Phoenix cleared at Laihana, Hawaii according to the newspaper The Polynesian dated 12 March 1853

An item reported that at Laihana, Hawaii on 3 March  was cleared the American whaler Phoenix master Bellows for cruising

Steamship ss Czar used as troop and refugees transport according to the Weekly Appreciation of matters of naval interest No. 81 for the week ended 3 July 1920

An item reported that the ss Czar left Southampton, England on 6 July bound for Antwerp, Belgium. On board were British troops for Antwerp embarked. At Antwerp was she to pick up 1,500 Russians destined for Libau [Liepaja, Latvia] and from there she was to return to Antwerp with 200 Belgians.


The National Archives, Kew Gardens, England CAB 24-109-4

Italian sailing ship Rosario lost in 1916

According to a list of the Italian Department for transport over sea and by rail was she lost on 15 August 1916 due to unknown on the location nearby Bastia. Tonnage 188 tons.


Bundesarchiv RM 20/728.

Saturday, 22 March 2025

Russian guided missile destroyer Severomorsk 619 1984-

North Sea 18 March 2025

Russia-flagged, Homeport Deveromorsk. Project 1155 Frigate/Udaloy-class preceded by Sovremenny-class succeeded by Lider-class. Laid down by Severnaya Verf, Saint Petersburg, Russia on 12 June 1984, launched on 24 December 1985, commissioned on 30 December 1987