
Sunday 18 September 2011

Chinese suspected of murder transported from Singapore towards the Dutch East Indies escorted by British war boat according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 24 September 1852

Batavia, 20 July. From Riouw came tidings that in May at Soengie Angor someone was murdered and the presumably murderers were Chinese from Singapore. They fled after committing the crime so the Dutch so-called kruisboten couldn’t arrest them. The resident of Singapore however managed to arrest some of them and a Dutch government kruisboot was send to transport them back to the Dutch East Indies. After a voyage of 4 days the boat arrived at Singapore where 7 Chinese prisoners were taken on board and while returning the resident send the British kruisboot Charlotte (1) as escort with.

1. Not mentioned by J.J. Colledge/Ben Warlow. Ships of the Royal Navy. London, 2006.