
Friday 16 September 2011

Dutch fish torpedoboat Zr. Ms. Ardjoeno (1886-1918)

On stocks and launched at Yarrow&Co, London, England 1886. Dimensions 38,37 x 3,88 x 2,09m and a displacement of 83 tons. Her 750 ihp allowed a speed of 21,03 miles. Her crew numbered 16 men. She was armed with 2-3.7cm guns, 2 torpedo tubes and 1 torpedo gun. Trial in September 1886 and commissioned 1 April 1887. Building costs ƒ 149.915,00. In 1901 was the so-called locomotive boiler replaced by two water tube boilers and now fitted out with an extra funnel (from 2 to 3). Stricken 1911. January 1913 added to the submarine service to replace Zr. Ms. Hekla to assist in case of emergencies. The boilers and engines were removed at the navy yard at Willemsoord in 1918 and she was fitted out as a target.