Regular warships, all three of the Admiralty of Zealand: Middelburgh, 32 guns, Vlissingen,32 guns and the Der Veere, 32 guns.
Well fitted out and armed W.I.C. company ships: Blaeuwen Haes (or Blaeuwen Haen], 24 guns, Graeff Enno, 24 guns, Mauritius, 24 guns, Loando, 22 guns, Wapen van Dort, 24 guns, Gouden Leeuw, 24 guns, Wapen van Delft, 22 guns, Noorthollant, armament unknown, Medenblick, armament unknown.
Yachts and frigates of the company: Wakende Hart, 12 guns, Hasewindt, 10 guns, Sterre, 4 guns, Argijn, 7 guns and the Arent, 4 guns.
Some ‘barken’ and other small vessels belonging to the company; Prins Hendrick not equipped, a brouwer, unarmed? And a prize, 10 guns.
Well fitted out and with crew 4 frigates of the Board, one of Flushing, one of Veere.
Two or three ships chartered and ready for departure and some other hired ships, left with stores etc.
Staten Generaal 1550-1796 no. 12564.20 (National Archive at The Hague).