
Wednesday 22 May 2019

The Egyptian, Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 17 December 1825

Frankfurt, 12 December. The newspaper Augsburgse Zeitung dated 11 December published tidings from Odessa dated 26 November. These tidings referred also to a letter published in the newspaper Spectateur Oriental of Smyrna dated 25 October. According to this letter consisted the Greek navy at that moment of 96 ships of sea of which 73 warships and 23 fire ships. Each Greek ship was manned with 50-70 men and towed with her a large boast a so-called kampavia. This boat is armed with a bow gun and 2 guns in the sides and fitted out with a mizzen mast. Miaulis got the supreme command. His age is 53 years and due to these personal capacities well honourable. He had 2 sons each commanding an own ship. The other officers are vice admiral Nicolo Andruzzo Apostoli who commanded the division of Spezzia and Nicolo Apostoli who commanded the division of Ipsara.

The newspaper Osservatore Trieste reported 30 November that a master coming from Smyrna met Miaulis in the waters of the Sapienza islands and that nearby the Egyptian was watching the Greek fleet. When he continued his voyage he also sighted the Turkish fleet commanded by the Captain Pasha going towards Missolunghi. According to tidings from masters published in the newspaper Oesterreichischen Beobachter appeared the Turkish fleet indeed off Missolunghi. However at Paris were tidings received dated 11 November and at Livorno even of 13 November from Zante that the Turkish-Egyptian fleet didn’t appear in any Greek water.