
Friday, 30 September 2011

Greek privateers in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 10 October 1825

Bona, 14 September. A small Tuscan vessel which departed towards Tunis with some Moorish and Jewish passengers and a cargo of tobacco belonging to the Moorish was in the night between the island Tabarque and Cape Negro captured by tow Greek goelettes fitted out as privateers.  The Moorish fought back and had some dead and wounded, the Greeks just two wounded. The cargo, crew and passengers including women and children with a total of 27 were taken on board of the Greek goelettes. These two ships were armed with 8 carronades and 48 men and arrived the day before yesterday off the entrance to the port of Bona. One of the Greek captains demanded 1.500 solid piasters as a ransom for the prisoners. After a short discussion 1.000 piasters were paid and the Greeks departed.