
Friday, 30 September 2011

Greek ships boarded Austrian merchant ship according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 12 October 1825

Frankfurt, 7 October. The newspaper of Smyrna Spectateur Oriental reported from Hydra 19 July a fight between an Austrian merchant ship and Greek ships. The Austrian master count Iwanowitsch bought at Adrimette a cargo of oil destined fro Venice. At sea he was boarded by two Greek ships who demanded to see his papers. Both Greek captains came on board and the count showed that everything was well. However when more Greeks came on board and the demands increased. The cargo had to be turned over to see if there were guns hidden. The Austrians refused that and a fight begun and 13 men of both sides were killed or wounded. The Austrian ship was brought into Hydra and declared prize while her crew resisted against the visitation. The inhabitants saw the count coming and when she heard of the resistance they want to kill all Europeans (‘Franks’) who hardly could escape to their ships.