
Sunday, 25 August 2019

Movements of Dutch warships in the Dutch East Indies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 7 September 1838

De Zaan. Original link

The Hippomenes. Original link

The Hague, 6 September. The newspaper Avondbode of Amsterdam published several tidings from the Dutch East Indies dated until 1 May, including movements of Dutch warships.
The frigate Zr.Ms. De Zaan was to depart Palembang 25 march accompanied by the patrol schooner De Haag (?) and a patrol boat (called a 'kruisboot') to protect the inhabitants of Baros against the daily Chinese attacks.
The colonial (or civil) schooner Daphne departed Batavia 22 April to serve off the west coast of Sumatra. On board was lieutenant colonel Von Saher.
The corvette Zr.Ms. Castor and the colonial schooner Krokodil were cruising in the waters of Rio and Linga although everything as calm over there.
The corvette Zr.Ms. Hippomenes who arrived 3 April at Batavia coming from the Netherlands was considered ship and crew in the same well condition as when she mid April departed for patrolling against pirates in the waters of Bali and Lombok. She was ordered to meet the corvette Boreas at Timorkoepang for an expedition against the pirates of Flores, Ombay, Timor and surroundings and to go afterwards to the Moluccas and Celebes.
The corvette Zr.Ms. Triton captain lieutenant Edeling passed 15 April Sunda Strait and arrived 25 April at Batavia, ship and crew in good condition.
The iron steam boat Hekla temporarily commanded by lieutenant 1st class Engelbert van Bevervoorden completed her first patrolling and visited Pelo-Mandeligne and Krimon Java islands without sighting pirates.