
Sunday 25 September 2011

Shipbuilding in the province Groningen according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 15 August 1838

The annual report dealing with the sea merchant shipping in the province Groningen in 1837 was quite positive. In the spring were the number of cargoes destined abroad at the same level as in 1836 slowly enlarging until the summer probably caused by the long very windy and cold spring. The ships destined for the East Sea and Russia were still suffering from the ice for the main part of the month April. The more positive level, which just in the end of the autumn decreased, was mainly caused by the important transports of wood from the East Sea and Norway and from cliff salt of England and some for the grain transport due to the import taxes. Some of the largest kof ships were used for the trade to the Dutch West Indies and North America where many ships transported since the end of 1836 and begin 1837 cargoes of grain. In 1837 occurred also less damage as in the past, quite positive or the assurance business.

In 1837 were at the yards 35 new sea ships build and the most yards received new orders from citizens in the provinces Groningen and Holland. At the city Groningen was by the same builder which earlier completed a ship of more as 200 Javanese lasten again a ship build even larger destined for the sea trade and the keel of a third ship laid down