
Wednesday 7 September 2011

American steamship USS Poinsett according to the Army and Navy Chronicle dated 1839

Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That's quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.

P: 395: “The U.S. Steamer Poinsett, recently fitted out at this port, under the direction of the War Department, left here yesterday afternoon for Norfolk, to complete her armament and crew, whence she will proceed to Florida, to co-operate with the army in that quarter, in the suppression of Indian hostilities. The following is a list of her officers:Isaac Mayo, commander; I.S. Sterett, J.L. Ball, J.A. Davis, S.E. Munn, lieutenants; Levin Handy, acting master; W.A. Slacum, purser; W.M. Wood, surgeon; D.S. Green, passed assistant surgeon; T.T. Sloan, lieutenant of marines; H. Waddell, S.B. Thompson, passed midshipmen; M.C. Watkins, A. Murray, W.M. Caldwell, C.W. Bennett, midshipmen; Win C. Tuck, captain’s clerk; Geo. Thomas, sailmaker; E. Foster, acting boatswain; J. McDonald, acting carpenter;-- gunner; J. Adkinson, 1st engineer; N.C. Davis, 2d dto. -Baltimore American, June 14.”

Army and Navy Chronicle dated 20 June 1839.