
Thursday 1 September 2011

Welcome to our followers

My father (Ron) and I (Alexander) are doing research in the topic navies and trading companies in the period 1500-present. My mother Karin helped my father early 1980's with research and nowadays she is almost daily photographing the ships passing on the river Schelde.

My father started his research early 1970s. First he was interested in the Dutch navy and the navies in the Second World War , later in the period 19th century-present and about 30 years he started his research in the topic navies 1500-1860, in fact the era of the sailing warships including the galleys and the trading companies like the Dutch E.I.C. and the W.I.C. Nowadays he is doing research in the whole period. My self, I’m interested in the topic navies 1860-present including the coastguards, especially Russian built warships and the Dutch warships.

Together we are busy with photographing, drawing and doing research in archives, literature and on the web trying to collect every kind of information and sharing that with others without commercial thoughts just because we are shiplovers and fond of naval history.