
Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Dutch, Egyptian and Turkish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 June 1827

Frankfurt, 23 June. The newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung published extracts from letters from Syra dated 27 May and received via Trieste which reported that Cochrane with the frigate Hellas, the steamship Karteria, his brig and two Greek brigs departed on a secret mission towards Poro while promising to return within 8 days. The other ships were ordered to be prepared to join him than. A letter from Trieste dated 14 March reported the arrival of a ship coming in 17 days from Alexandria which brought with her the news that the Egyptian fleet was slowly being prepared and at least 3 months needed before she could depart. The same ship met in the waters of Zante the Turkish fleet of Constantinople of 30 sails. Another master who arrived at Trieste coming in 12 days from Celafonia reported that 3 days before his departure heavy gunfire coming from the sea was heard. The newspaper Oesterreichischen Beobachter reported that 22 May around 13.30 o’clock at Zante the Greek steamship Karteria was sighted cruising around 30 minutes between Zante and Katakolo and then going to the Gulf of Patras. Around 17.00 o’clock appeared the Greek frigate Hellas near Zante following the direction of the Karteria. Both ships went on to Klarenza. Around 20.30 o’clock were some gunshots heard and although it was very dark the flames when the guns were shot showed that the Hellas was fighting with 2 Egyptian corvettes at the harbour of Tigani, 3-4 miles away from Klarenza. The gunfire was until 22.00 o’clock and to be continued next morning around 10.00 o’clock. A longboat coming from Klarenza reported that in the port of Figani (or Tigani?) were besides the 2 corvettes also a brig and 2 transports with Greek prisoners on board. These were the vessels Cochrane attacked the night before. The Hellas approached the Egyptian ships flying the Turkish flag. The same day around 14.00 o’clock could men using glasses see how the Hellas coming from Cefalonia via the Skrophen going towards the entrance of the Gulf of Patras while towing a vessel, probably a brigantine.

The Dutch secretary for Navy and Colonies announced that the packet brig Zr.Ms. Irene (1) commanded by lieutenant 1st class A. Klein intended to depart 1 July from Hellevoetsluis via Surinam towards Curacao and that passengers, stores and letters were allowed to go with her.

1. On stocks at Amsterdam, Netherlands December 1817, launched 11 July 1819, wrecked 1831, 20 guns.