
Monday, 7 November 2011

Arrival of Dutch whalers at Texel on 2, 3 and 4 October Middelburgsche Courant dated 9 October 1759

Arrival on 2 October of the Catrina Maria, commandeur H. Teunisz ½ whale, 8 barrels of whale blubber and the Hoop op de Walvis R. Teunis, empty both coming from Greenland.

Arrival on 3 October Vrouw Susanna, commandeur N.T. Visser, 1½ whales, 52 barrels of whale blubber, coming from Greenland.

Arrival on 4 October Jonge Juffrouw Anna Maria, Pcommandeur . Bandix junior, 1½ whales, 70 barrels of whale blubber, Lynbaan van Edam, commandeur T. Hendriksz, ½ whale, 30 barrels of whale blubber and the Vredenhof, commandeur S.H. Walch, empty, all three coming from Greenland.