
Friday 4 November 2011

British comments dealing with Dutch battle cruiser project according to the Dutch newspaper Het Vaderland evening edition dated 21 July 1939

In the The Economist was an article published discussing the necessity of a strong navy for a country liked the Netherlands. According to the article caused a long period of peace a so-called financial conservatism unwilling to spent money for project were the most needed projects, a conservatism which isn’t a blessing and made a strange impression by minister Funke while visiting The Hague last week. It was ridiculous according to the article that such a large colony as the Dutch East Indies was to be protect with just a half dozen of light cruisers (1) while the common public asked for 3 of 4 battle cruisers. The building of these so needed heavy units became a burning political issue by those who claimed that the Netherlands couldn’t afford the expenses. The cabinet still didn’t decide what to do but there were just two options, namely to give up the colony or to defend it.

1. In 1939 were the small cruisers Hr. Ms. Java, Sumatra, De Ruyter and Tromp available, the Jacob van Heemskerck was not completed.