
Saturday 5 November 2011

Dutch East Indiaman Vrouwe Petronella lost in 1768

According to the database ( the Vrouwe Petronella was built at Enkhuizen 1755 and belonged to the chamber Enkhuizen. She was wrecked in the Ganges 11 January 1768. The Maandelykse Nederlandsche Mercurius gives some more information. 28 May 1768 brought the Welgeleegen coming from Bengal the definite news that the ship Vrouwe Petronella was lost. Her master was Steven Booms. While sailing from Hyely towards Kasseryen she hit the Droogte of the so called Jannegat and broken to pieces. In the morning of 1 February 1768 she was overthrown. Except for the silver dealing with the orders for the banks loaded over in the pilot vessel, nothing was saved. There were none crewmembers missing, except for the pilot Barend Janssen, which piloted the ship in. Dealing with the rumours he hided at Sjendernagor because he was to blame for the accident.

Maandelykse Nederlandsche Mercurius, B. Mourik, Amsterdam, 1768, p. 149-150.