
Friday 4 November 2011

The Dutch freighter Sophie H built in 1909-1910 at the yard De Schelde at Flushing, Netherlands for Nico Haas of Rotterdam, Netherlands

De Dutch magazine De Prins dated 2 April 1910 page 172 published a photo of the launching of the freighter Sophie H. I used the local Dutch newspaper Vlissingse Courant as the main source for a small note dealing with the building of this ship.

Monday, 26 July 1909. The steamship which was to be built at the De Schelde for account of the firm N. Haas of Rotterdam was to be named Sophie H. (1) Thursday, 7 October 1909. On the same slip where last Saturday the Tambora was launched was the keel laid down of the Sophie H for account of Nico Haas.

Wednesday 1 December 1909. Last Saturday visited a large number of civil engineers the yard De Schelde at Flushing, Netherlands where at that moment the freighter Sophie H was built for account of Mr. N. Haas of Rotterdam. The reason they came was the manner of building namely the Isherwoodsystem. The inventor was J.W. Isherwood. In this new construction method was using of stringers in fastened to the abeam fitted frames and girders. The freighter Sophie H was built according to this new construction method supervised by the Bureau Veritas. She had as dimensions 325 x 47 x 24’3’ (hold) and a bridge with a length of 70’. The weight of the steel hull could with this method be decreased with around 180 tons.

Thursday, 10 March 1910. The Burgomaster announced that the ship bridge on Saturday 12 March form 13.00 o’clock was to be closed for all traffic and the so-called Tonnenbrug temporarily be removed caused by her launching.

Friday, 11 February 1910. She was to be launched Saturday 12 March by Mrs. Haas, spouse of the owner.

Monday, 14 March, Saturday 12 March 14.30 o’clock was with success by Mrs. S. Haas-Davidson the Sophie H launched. Her keel was laid down 6 October 1909.  Her dimensions were 325’0” (between perpendiculars) x 47’0”x 20’0” and a hold of 24’3” with a cargo capacity of 5,100 tons. It was a one deck freighter while the cargo hold was below the bridge deck. Above the bridge deck were the saloon and the cabins for the master and the officers and the accommodation for the crew was in the fore ship. Four hatches allowed entrance to the holds and were fitted out with a steam winch. The two masts were each fitted out with two derricks and a retractable top. The triple expansions engine supplied 1,500 ihp with 70 rpm. There were two simple flame tube boilers with a steam pressure of 160 lbs and a total heating surface of 4.600 square English feet. The deck winches were driven by a large vertical donkey boiler with a heating surface of 60 square feet.

Monday, 11 April 1910. While anchored were the steam trials done. Coming Tuesday were in the inner harbour her compasses to be checked and the coming Thursday she was to depart for Rotterdam and to do her final trial. Another Dutch local newspaper the Middelburgsche Courant reported that day that she was brought the same afternoon to the inner harbour to load coal and to verify the compasses. After the trials she was to depart immediately towards Bilbao master J. Bremer.

Saturday, 16 April 1910. The trials yesterday were successful and she was handed over to the ships company and departed in ballast towards Bilbao for a cargo of iron ore.(2)

The order administration of the shipyard Kon.Mij. De Schelde supplied the next details. Her building for account of N. Haas, Rotterdam, Netherlands was ordered on 22 April 1909, laid down on 4 October, launched on 12 March 1910. berthed trials 8-9 April and official trial and delivery on 14 April. Yardnumber 132, engine number 268 and boiler numbers 556-558. Dimensions 325.0” (between perpendiculars)-338’0” (over all) x 47.0’ (over thrushes) x 20½’” x 24’3” (depth below below maindeck) or 99,06-103,02 x 14,33 x 6,11 x 7,39 metres. Coal bunker capacity 670 ton. Water ballast capacity 683 tons. Fresh water capacity 68 tons. Two masts each with two derricks.  Cargo capacity grain 227.654 cubic feet end bales 214.897 cubic feet. Gross tonnage 2.930 tons, net tonnage 1.864 tons, deadweight 5.137 tons and as displacement 6.938 tons. One triple expansion 3 cylinder engine delivering 1.500 ihp with 70 rpm allowing with the single screw a speed of 10 knots. Sold in 1915 to Norway and renamed Sirrah and apparently later again sold to Ag. Bolten, Hamburg, Germany and then renamed Bolten. Building costs hull ƒ 265.000 and machinery equipment ƒ 85.000/

1. According to the website was this the Stoomvaart Maatschappij “Sophie H” of Rotterdam. According to the website was this company founded 11 August 1909 with a capital of ƒ 1.000,000,00 in 1.000 shares of ƒ 1.000,00.
2. Wednesday 20 October 1915. She was sold for around ƒ 1.100.000 to A. Bergmann of Bergen. She measured 2,830 BRT and 1,864 NRT.

 New details added 17 January 2014.