
Sunday 13 November 2011

The Dutch privateer Flip captured by the British Swan 25 January 1805

In the Naval Chronicle vol. XIII is a letter published dated 26 January 1805 and written by the commanding officer of the hired cutter Swan, namely W.R. Wallace. He wrote that after a chase, he captured a cutter-rigged vessel. He described this vessel as the "Flip privateer, belonging to Holland, having on board eighteen Men. She sailed from Holland on the 19th instant, had taken only one Brig, which Brig I retook yesterday and sent into Yarmouth". The Swan returned 27 January with the captured Flip in Yarmouth Roads. The Naval Gazetteer doesn't add more information. I haven't yet been able to identify this vessel.

The Naval Chronicle, vol. XIII, p. 145.
The Naval Gazetteer, published by J.W. Norris&Co., 1827.