
Tuesday 8 November 2011

The French naval strength in 1838

In The Army and Navy Chronicle, of Thursday 13 September 1838, p. 165 is the following small note published, dealing with the French naval strength in 1838. It’s just an impression without giving much details but still of some value.

“The naval force of France. France has 11 ships of the line, first class, 126 guns each; 23 of second class, 86 guns each; 23 of third class, 82 guns each. This forms a total of 67 ships, nearly every one of them built since 1818. Besides this, France has 40 frigates, first class, each of 60 thirty-six pounders; 10 frigates, each of 46 thirty-six pounders; 15 frigates, third class, each of 82 guns ; 10 frigates, 4th class, of 26 guns ; 24 corvettes, each from 20 to 32 guns ; 16 gun brigs, 27 steamers, the majority of 160-horse power, and each of them well armed. In her arsenals there are nearly 3,000 guns and carronades for the naval service, enough to fit out 51 ships of the line, 20 frigates, and 20 corvettes. The 67 ships of war (of the three classes) which France now has in commission, or ready for it, are the following :
Ships of the line, first class, 126 guns
L'Ocean, Le Montebello, Le Friedland, L’Austerlitz, Le Souverain Le Louis XIV, Le Majestueux, Le Trocadero, La Ville de Paris, Le Wagram and Le Commerce
Ships of the line, second class, rated at 86 guns, but mounting 100.
Le Jena, Le Suffrein, L'Hanibal, Le Foudroyant, Le Jupiter, Le Turenne, Le Diademo, Le Tage, Le Henri IV, Le Duquesne, L'Hercule, Le Navarin, Le Magnifique, Le Jemape, L'Ajax, Le Santi Petri, Le Fleurus, Le Bucentaure, Le Neptune, L’Ulm, L'Eole, L'Algesiras and Le Dugueay-Trouin
Ships of the line, third class, 82 guns.
Le Tourville, Le Scipion, Le Bayard, Le Veteran, La Ville de Marseilles, L'Alexandra, Le Triton, L'Achille, La Couronne, L'Orion, Le Fontenoi, Le Breslau, Le Superbe, L'lnflexible, Le Nestor, L'Alger, Le Diomede, Le Marengo, Le Genereeux, Le Hector, Le Trident, Le Duguesclin and Le Jean-Bart
Every ship of the line is provided with four howitzer cannon, 80 pounders, called a la paixhans. Every frigate of the first class is to have two of 80; steam boats of 160-horse power, three of 80; frigates of the second and third classes, sloops, and brigs, four of 30. —London Standard.”

The Army and Navy Chronicle. Vol VI. New Series. 1 January-30 June 1838. Washington, 1838.