
Friday 4 November 2011

Launching of the Dutch merchant barkship Machtilda Cornelia at Dordrecht according to the Dutch newspaper Zierikzeesche Courant dated Friday 29 December 1843

At Dordrecht was on 21 December the bark ship Machtilda Cornelia launched. Another Dutch newspaper the Dordrechtse Courant dated 21 December published an announcement of her builders C. Gips en Zonen that they intended to launch her on 21 December at 15.30 o’clock from their yard de Merwede by a sufficient water level this ship.

1. In 1826 was the standard to calculate the cargo capacity of a ship the so-called roggelast (rogge=rye) of 2.075 kilo’s. In 1827 made the Nederlandsche Handels Maatschappij a list of all colonial products with their weights corresponding with the space needed for one roggelast. This became known as the Java last. For instance the weight of a Java last tea was 1.000 kilo, of pepper 1.600, of rice 2.000 and of coffee 1.500 kilo (in the practice in fact 1.800).