
Friday 2 August 2019

Naval operations of the Dutch East Company in Macassar, Dutch East Indies according to the Generale Missive dated 30 November 1729

The at Bima seized vessel, due to lacking a pass,  belonging to anachofa Bappa Wayit was sold with the cargo for 107 rijksdaalders. Her crew consisting of 2 Malays and 7 Sumbawanesiand were to sent towards Batavia [nowadays Djakarta]. At the Paternostereilanden were 30 Minangkabauers stranded. They were also to sent towards Batavia. Via Bima came from Macassar the King Karel, the ‘los’boat Vlaggestok and the sloep of the civilian Michiel de Vreede. The costs of the scow Atlas were fl. 3074. The company possessed in this territory 3 pantjalangs, 3 scows and 2 boats. Civilians and other habitants owned together 15 sloepen, 45 kuntings and 2 pantjalangs.

J. van Goor. Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Deel IX: 1727-1737. The Hague, 1988, p. 26-29.